Our mission is to empower Tech students to tackle the world’s most pressing problems.

Our student group is part of the effective altruism community — a social movement that asks: how can we best improve the lives of others, using our limited time and resources?

Effective Altruism at Georgia Tech aims to offer students tools to figure out how they can make a greater social impact, combining our compassion with evidence and reasoning. We’re also a community of people supporting each other in our shared pursuit of helping others.

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What is effective altruism?

Effective altruism is a project that aims to find the best ways to help others, and put them into practice. It’s both a research field, which aims to identify the world’s most pressing problems and the best solutions to them, and a practical community that aims to use those findings to do good.

This project matters because, while many attempts to do good fail, some are enormously effective. For instance, some charities help 100 or even 1,000 times as many people as others, when given the same amount of resources. This means that by thinking carefully about the best ways to help, we can do far more to tackle the world’s biggest problems.

People inspired by effective altruism have worked on projects that range from funding the distribution of 200 million malaria nets, to academic research on the future of AI, to campaigning for policies to prevent the next pandemic.

They’re not united by any particular solution to the world’s problems, but by a way of thinking. They try to find unusually good ways of helping, such that a given amount of effort goes an unusually long way.

(Edited text from effectivealtruism.org)

What we offer

  • We offer six eight-week seminars that help you explore effective altruism, specific cause areas, and ways to apply these ideas to your own life.

    The Effective Altruism Introductory Seminar and the Effective Altruism In-Depth Seminar teach you how to think with an effective altruist mindset and introduce you to some of the cause areas that the community is excited about.

    The AI Safety Technical Seminar and the AI Safety Governance Seminar provide background knowledge on different approaches to ensuring the safe development of artificial intelligence.

    The Alternative Proteins Seminar introduces you to different types of types of alternative proteins and how they could help solve key global issues.

    The Career Planning Intensive helps experienced members explore ways to integrate effective altruism into their careers.

    In the spring we had over 120 people participate in our seminars. We plan to add new ones in future semesters on other topics, such as effective environmentalism, animal advocacy, cause prioritization, and biosecurity.

  • We hold socials, discussion events, workshops, and guest speaker events. View our calendar here.

  • Weekly general meetings are held every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in Skiles Room 317. Reply to the Slack announcement for a free treat during the meeting!

  • Members of our grouped launched the AI Safety Initiative, an academic community working to ensure AI is developed to the benefit of our future. For those primarily interested in AI safety, this is the group to join! We host weekly discussions, seminars in technical alignment and governance, a machine learning bootcamp, and research projects.

    To get involved, visit our website, join our Discord server, and subscribe to our mailing list.